View Profile
Name | Nikola Subotić |
Institution | LINK group |
Sector | |
Location | Belgrade, Serbia |
Birthday | 27/12/1983 |
Description | Creating and implementing the company’s short-term and medium-term plans (monthly and annual): sales, payment collection, marketing and development plans, and overseeing their realization in accordance with the company’s objectives; coordinating the execution of tasks concerning plan realization; implementing the company’s strategic decisions at all levels; ensuring the development and the employees’ observance of procedures and regulations; performing branch director duties; performing the duties of LINK group director for foreign-based companies; monitoring market trends and technology developments and proposing and implementing adequate measures for the advancement of the company’s business; monitoring the activities of the competition in the same or similar fields and proposing and implementing adequate measures for the advancement of the company’s competitive position; proposing and securing the company’s capacities regarding personnel, equipment, finances, offices and other resources; managing and controlling the activities of sales, marketing, user support, debt collection, DL and other sectors involved in the company’s activities; coordinating and overseeing the activities of the employees and all departments and responsibility for their performance; allocating duties, coordinating task execution and controlling the results regarding plans and objectives; defining budgets for different projects and departments; proposing and realizing new business activities for the company; proposing personnel solutions and deciding on employee promotion and replacement; overseeing employee selection; business communication and correspondence with domestic and foreign partners; developing the company’s networks of partners and associates; responsibility for the fulfillment of the set objectives, the legality of the business operations and the advancement of the company’s performance; financial analysis and regular monitoring of the business results; coordinating all activities regarding LINK group’s new centers abroad; miscellaneous activities regarding the general management of the company. |
Redni broj | |
Position | General Manager |