View Profile
Name | Marina Repeđić |
Institution | LINK group |
Sector | |
Location | Belgrade, Serbia |
Birthday | 03/10/1987 |
Description | Bookkeeping in accordance with accounting regulations; entering all business transactions and controlling the validity of entry documentation (incoming and outgoing receipts, expenses, liquidation, cash book, dinar and foreign currency accounts); calculating salaries and paid leave benefits; reconciliation with buyers and suppliers; calculating taxes and other public revenues, tax return filing; responsibility for creating annual financial statutory reports, including tax balances and tax returns; following legal tax and other accounting regulations; working with the Tax Administration and other authorities; compiling annual financial reports, tax balances, and consolidated statements; cooperation with banks, loan and lease entry; cooperation with accounting agencies; compiling and signing statement of accounts; compiling business reports for management purposes; other finance and bookkeeping activities as instructed by the head of the Finances Department. |
Redni broj | |
Position | Financial Specialist |