View Profile
Name | Ċ½eljko Radnov |
Institution | LINK group |
Sector | |
Country | |
Location | Belgrade, Serbia |
Birthday | 03/01/1984 |
Description | Computer network maintenance: setting and maintaining hardware infrastructure, server installation, settings and maintenance; introducing new users and groups into AD and assigning permissions to access shared resources; servicing and maintaining computers and additional equipment: repairing hardware failures; installing operating systems and software, setting parameters in OS and software; activities at the Administration department (ITA): lectures, schedules, organizing regular and special educational activities and coordination with other lecturers, testing, work with DL students â conducting courses, communication and consultations; work in test centers â VUE and Prometric: installation and maintenance of test pages and servers, organizing tests (scheduling and payment), overseeing the testing; teaching classes at ITS; field work at other LINKgroup centers. |
Redni broj | |
Position | System Administrator |